Category: Digital Marketing

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How to Override Google Analytics 4 Fields in Server-Side GTM

To edit the fields, you need to use the option under Event Parameters labeled Parameters to Add / Edit. This will not work if you try to add the fields under User Properties. To add or edit a field, consult…

How to setup GTM Server Side on Shopify

Shopify provides native Google Universal Analytics integration. It works perfectly on all subscription plans. More info and how to set up Google Analytics on Shopify you can find on their official documentation. Also, you can add…

Trojan Horse Virus – Fiverr Spamming Buyers – How To Save A Computer From Trojan Virus

Attackers are using freelance job sites such as Fiverr and Freelancer to distribute malware disguised as job offers. These job offers contain attachments that pretend to be the job brief but are actually installers for…

Property & Real Estate Marketing Strategy | Ahsan Taz

Real Estate Reading Time: 11 minutes The only way home builders can stay ahead of competitors and win market share in today’s quickly morphing environment is to embrace change. Nowadays competition is tough, and these days you’ll…